Memorizing Prompts for Your History Homework

They say that the one who doesn’t know history is doomed to repeat its mistakes. Therefore, you should pay close attention in your History class and study this subject with the dedication it deserves.

Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done, because History requires a lot of memorizing. This makes the discipline difficult to master and often boring to study, because apart from the passionate few, not many people are interested in spending hours of their time memorizing dates and terms.

Luckily, there are a few tips that can help you make this task a lot easier.

  • Memorizing Terms.
  • First of all, you’ll need to study your notes armed with a pencil. Underline the terms in the lecture and try to make a connection between the ones that relate to the same topic.

    Next, you will need to write several paragraphs that contain the terms and all the dates and names relevant to them. This kind of repetition will help you memorize them better.

  • Memorizing Dates.
  • There is no arguing the fact that dates are the bane of every student’s existence when it comes to History. Memorizing so many numbers and the events they relate to without eidetic memory seems impossible, but it’s actually not.

    Using a mnemonic system will help you remember all the dates you need and even make studying them fun. This system is based on creating some association with a particular number depending on its pronunciation. For example, the Boston Tea Party took place in 1773. Try remembering 73 like “heavenly tea”and picture protesters sipping their tea and throwing the cups into the water.

  • Memorizing Text.
  • When you need to memorize a huge passage of text, you’ll need to employ different techniques. In this case, various prompt cards will come in handy.

    In case you won’t be able to use the cards, you’ll need to think of some pictures when reading the text. This way, you will be able to remember passages by envisioning the picture-prompt inside your mind.

    When you need to memorize a big speech, you should break it down in smaller parts and study them one by one revising all the parts you’ve learned every time you add a new one.

    Making detailed notes is essential for studying History. Therefore, you shouldn’t slack off during this class. This will make studying for tests much easier.

    It’s also imperative that you understand everything you need to memorize perfectly. It will be impossible to remember a term if you don’t understand its meaning, so you might need to do some research before you move on to memorizing.
